How to apply the key points of AQ learning to QQKNIT’s knitting organization

Integrating the concept of Adversity Quotient (AQ) into the hobby and community building of handmade pet sweater knitting within QQKNIT is a very innovative and inspiring idea. Here are specific suggestions on how to apply the key points of AQ learning to QQKNIT's knitting organization:

### 1. Organizational Learning and Cultural Construction

- **Adversity Workshops:** Regularly hold workshops or sharing sessions themed around overcoming adversity, inviting psychology experts or senior knitters to share how to maintain a positive attitude and efficiently solve problems when facing challenges like complex patterns or material shortages.

- **Cultural Shaping:** Integrate the spirit of resilience into the organizational culture, emphasizing the importance of not backing down in the face of difficulties, bravely challenging oneself, and continuously learning and growing. 

### 2. New Systems and Measurement Methods for AQ

- **Self-Assessment Tools:** Develop or adopt existing AQ self-testing questionnaires to help members understand their performance in the four dimensions of control, responsibility, influence, and sustainability, and set improvement goals.

- **Success Case Sharing:** Collect and share real stories of members overcoming difficulties and achieving goals during the hand knitting process as motivation and learning materials.

### 3. Practical Tools and Techniques

- **Mindfulness Techniques:** Teach members how to use mindfulness techniques (such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, etc.) to manage negative emotions, maintain focus, and stay calm, especially when encountering hand knitting difficulties or creative bottlenecks.

- **LEAD Tool:** Introduce the LEAD (Listen, Explore, Analyze, Decide) tool to help members systematically think about solutions when encountering problems and cultivate problem-solving abilities.

### 4. The Spirit of Climbers

- **Classification Incentives:** Design different incentive mechanisms based on the characteristics of climbers, campers, and quitters. For climbers, provide more opportunities for challenges and recognition; encourage campers to set new goals and move forward gradually; provide emotional support and the courage to start over for those who give up.

- **Teamwork:** Encourage members to form mutual aid groups, face hand knitting difficulties together, and improve the overall AQ level through teamwork.

### 5. Support for AQ Pillars

- **Cognitive Psychology Application:** Use principles of cognitive psychology to help members adjust their mentality, establish positive self-dialogue, and reduce self-doubt and frustration.

- **Health and Neuroscience Perspectives:** Focus on the physical and mental health of members by recommending exercise methods, dietary habits, and relaxation techniques suitable for knitting enthusiasts, while sharing the latest research on learning, creativity, and emotional management in neuroscience.

### 6. Building a High AQ Community

- **Online and Offline Integration:** In addition to offline activities, use social media, online forums, and other platforms to establish online communication spaces, allowing members to share their experiences, seek help, and solve problems at any time, forming a closely connected community network.

- **Continuous Growth Plan:** Set long-term development goals for the organization, such as organizing hand knitting exhibitions, publishing hand knitting books, and carrying out public welfare projects, to motivate members to continuously learn and grow, and jointly promote QQKNIT as a model of high AQ in the industry.

### Conclusion

By integrating AQ into the activities of QQKNIT, knitters can develop a resilient mindset, improve their hand knitting skills, and foster a supportive and innovative community. This approach not only enhances personal growth but also strengthens the community's ability to face challenges and achieve collective success. From QQKNIT College (Best hand knit/ handmade products)

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Post time: Aug-08-2024