How to integrate the principles of the Jiji hexagram into knit practice

QQKNIT combines the wisdom of the Jiji hexagram from the Book of Changes with the activity of handmade pet sweater knitting, enriching the craft with cultural depth and providing philosophical insights for knitters. Here are some key points on how to integrate the principles of the Jiji hexagram into knit practice:

1. **Perfect Merit, Smooth Sailing**:

   - **Craftsmanship**: Emphasize the importance of attention to detail in every stitch and material choice. Recognize that the completion of a well-crafted handmade dog jumper represents an achievement and success.

   - **Enjoying Results**: Encourage knitters to appreciate their efforts and the joy brought by their completed works, understanding that every small detail contributes to the overall success.

2. **Adhering to the Right Path**:

   - **Following Norms**: Stress the importance of following correct knitting methods and steps. Maintaining patience and meticulousness ensures the quality of the final hand knit pet jumper.

   - **Consistency**: Remind knitters that regardless of their skill level, they should consistently adhere to their standards and original intentions to achieve both a good start and a successful finish.

3. **Water on Fire Symbolizes Success**:

   - **Passion and Patience**: Encourage a persistent passion like fire and a gentle yet firm perseverance like water. These qualities help overcome challenges in the knit process until achieving a perfect result.

   - **Completion**: Highlight that the combination of these efforts leads to satisfactory and successful works.

4. **Long-Sightedness and Prevention**:

   - **Reflecting and Summarizing**: After completing a project, encourage knitters to reflect on the process, summarize their experiences, and think about how to improve their skills and innovate designs for future projects.

   - **Preparedness**: Advise knitters to be aware of market changes and customer demands, preparing in advance to ensure the sustainable development of their hand knitting business.

Incorporating the wisdom of the Jiji hexagram into handmade dog sweater knitting not only enhances the cultural and aesthetic value of the craft but also offers valuable life philosophy and inspiration. It encourages knitters to maintain humility, adhere to the right path, innovate bravely, and plan for the future, balancing technical excellence with broader perspectives and deeper thinking. From QQKNIT College (Best hand knit/ handmade products)

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Post time: Aug-07-2024