Incorporating the principle of nonviolent communication into the daily gatherings and learning activities of handmade dog sweater knitters at QQKNIT

Incorporating the principle of nonviolent communication into the daily gatherings and learning activities of handmade dog sweater knitters at QQKNIT is indeed a meaningful and innovative attempt. Nonviolent communication (NVC) is an effective communication method that fosters understanding, respect, and cooperation among team members. Here are the specific points on how to practice NVC in hand knitting activities: 

### 1. Create a Hand-knit Environment for Nonviolent Communication

**Set the Tone**:

- Briefly introduce the concept and importance of nonviolent communication before the event begins.

- Ensure all participants understand that this gathering will be a space for respectful, understanding, and loving communication.

**Physical Environment**:

- Create a comfortable and cozy knitting space.

- Use elements that encourage harmony and calmness in the layout, such as soft lighting and warm decorations.

### 2. Resolve Conflicts Using Nonviolent Communication Methods

**Identifying Conflicts**:

- Recognize disagreements or misunderstandings as opportunities for communication, not personal attacks.

**Expressing Oneself**:

- Use "I" statements to express feelings and needs, such as "I feel a little lost because I want us to reach a consensus on the hand knit dog jumper design."

**Listen to the Other Person**:

- Listen attentively to the other person's feelings and needs without interrupting or immediately refuting.

- Try to understand their position.

**Finding Solutions Together**:

- Explore solutions that can meet the needs of both parties based on their feelings and needs.

### 3. Expressing One's Own Needs

**Clear and Explicit**:

- Be specific and explicit when expressing needs, avoiding vague or accusatory language.

**Positive Expression**:

- Use positive and constructive ways to express needs, such as "I hope we can take turns choosing the theme of knitting."

### 4. Listen to the Other Person's Needs

**Full Attention**:

- Give the other person your full attention, indicating that you are listening through eye contact, nodding, and other means.


- Try to understand the other person's feelings and needs from their perspective, even if you don't completely agree.

### 5. Practice Nonviolent Communication Methods

**Regular Review**:

- Set aside some time after each activity to review the day's communication.

- Share which practices have promoted effective communication and which can be improved.

**Role Playing**:

- Practice nonviolent communication skills by simulating conflict scenarios for role-playing.

### 6. Speak Positively and Objectively About Facts, Feelings, Reasons, and Demands

**Tell the Facts**:

- Objectively describe the situation without adding personal judgment.

**Speak About Feelings**:

- Honestly express your feelings and use specific emotional vocabulary.

**Explain the Reason**:

- Explain why this fact or behavior makes you feel a certain way.


- Clearly state your specific request and how you hope the other party will act to meet your needs.

By incorporating these principles, the handmade pet jumper knitting activities at QQKNIT can enhance the exchange of knitting skills while becoming a valuable platform for improving interpersonal relationships and enhancing team cohesion.  From QQKNIT College (Best hand knit/ handmade products)

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Post time: Aug-07-2024