Integrate the profound content of the book “Lifelong Growth” into offline learning activities for handmade pet sweater knitters

The decision of QQKNIT to integrate the profound content of the book "Lifelong Growth" into offline learning activities for handmade pet sweater knitters is indeed very meaningful. This book provides valuable insights into the differences between growth mindset and fixed mindset, which are crucial when pursuing personal growth, improving knitting skills, and facing life challenges. Here is a detailed explanation of the key points of the learning content:

### Comparison between Growth Thinking and Fixed Thinking

**Growth mindset:**

- **Belief in Development:** This mindset believes that a person's knitting ability and speed can be developed and improved through relentless effort, continuous learning, and positive feedback.

- **View of Challenges:** People with a growth mindset tend to view challenges as opportunities for growth. They do not give up easily when faced with failure but learn from it and continue to strive.

**Fixed thinking:**

- **Belief in Fixed Abilities:** This mindset holds that a person's knitting ability and speed are fixed and unchanging, making them difficult to significantly change through postnatal efforts.

- **View of Challenges:** People with this mindset often fear failure, hold an avoidance attitude towards challenges, and easily negate themselves due to temporary setbacks, limiting their development potential and achievements.

### Differences Between Two Modes of Thinking in Various Aspects


- **Growth thinkers:** View their knitting skills from a developmental perspective, focusing on the growth process rather than the outcome.

- **Fixed mindset individuals:** Overly focus on current achievements or insufficient knitting skills, lacking motivation for self-improvement.

**Views on Success and Failure:**

- **Growth thinkers:** View success as the result of effort and failure as a stepping stone to growth.

- **Fixed mindset individuals:** Become complacent due to success and discouraged due to failure.

**Views on Effort:**

- **Growth thinkers:** Believe that effort is a necessary path to success and is worth investing time and energy into.

- **Fixed mindset individuals:** Perceive effort as a sign of insufficient ability or a waste of talent.

**Brain wave differences:**

- Scientific research suggests that different thinking patterns may affect the activity patterns of the brain, influencing behavior and decision-making.

### Methods for Cultivating a Growth Mindset

1. **Mastering the method of praise:**

   - Learn to provide process-oriented praise. Encourage others (including oneself) to make progress and try in the process of effort, rather than just focusing on results.

2. **Facing setbacks correctly:**

   - View setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than the end of failure. Reflect and adjust strategies to draw strength from setbacks.

3. **Emphasize in-depth understanding of professional knowledge:**

   - Continuously learn new knowledge, deepen understanding of the profession, improve knitting skill levels, and provide a solid foundation for growth thinking.

4. **Lifelong continuous learning:**

   - Maintain curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. View learning as a way of life, constantly challenge oneself, and broaden horizons.

### The Path to Growth Thinking in QQKNIT

1. **Accepting things:**

   - Have an open mind and embrace new things and perspectives.

2. **Observe for a period of time:**

   - Do not rush to draw conclusions or react. Instead, deepen understanding through observation and reflection.

3. **Positive understanding:**

   - Interpret things with a positive mindset, seeking their value and meaning.

4. **Lifelong continuous learning:**

   - View learning as a continuous process and constantly pursue progress and growth.

### Conclusion

Through such learning and practice, handmade dog sweater knitters can not only improve their knitting skills but also cultivate a more positive, resilient, and growth mindset in daily life. This initiative by QQKNIT can promote personal development, enhance creativity, and foster a supportive and innovative community. From QQKNIT College (Best hand knit/ handmade products)

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Post time: Aug-07-2024